
电影 欧美 2018

主演:克洛伊·莱文 / Jeremy Holm / Granit Lahu

导演:Jenn Wexler


欢迎在线观看《游侠》,奇优影院手机版第一时间为你提供游侠的在线观看服务,游侠讲述了When Chelsea and her friends get in trouble with the cops, they flee the city and go on the run. Fueled by a hallucinogenic drug called Echo, they hope to lay low-and get high-in an old family hideout in the woods.However, Chelsea has reservations about going back to nature and secrets she’s not sharing with her friends. When a shot rings out, her past comes crashing back, and the punks find themselves pitted against the local authority- an unhinged park ranger with a real axe to grind…
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